Sunday, January 23, 2011

Random rant #3

Failbook is just awesome if you need something light, lame and funny. Today was a terrible day at work. Why ? Because Mt Bromo decided to erupt at a peak season where I have 60 customers departing this week and some are there stuck now. A little chaos in the office.. who am I kidding. CHAOS in the office with people trying to cancel and arguing why they cant get a refund if they want to cancel. I can work 12 hours a day 7 days a week, but please, don't let me deal with cancellations :( People are on their worst behavior when they demand their money back. 
Bali was the main bulk of it all today, and Egypt. Out of 365.25 days, they choose to riot now. Arghh. Depending on the jokers of the world to perk me up. Time for my Failbook dose. 



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