Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The bus rides

Years ago I remember explaining to a friend that a life journey is like a bus ride.  The many stops, the random people boarding and alighting and the people who's taking the long journey with you. This relation popped into my head a few days ago and I have a slightly different perception now. A bus ride may not be your life journey but a part of it instead.

You can have more than one bus ride. Bus rides are the journey to your goals, the ride to your destination. You are at a bus stop and you board the bus that brings you to where you want. Sometimes when unsure, people at the stop could help you take the right bus. On that ride, some people get up and alight at different stops and some sit beside you through your journey.

Halfway if you realize you are on the wrong direction, you can get down and change the bus. Again you might leave some people behind but maybe some will come with you as well.

Having purpose and goals in life are important in that sense. Without them, you'll just be at the bus stop. Sure you will meet people there, some might be interesting and some who are unsure of what bus to take either will sit with you. However, do you really just want to stay at the bus stop.


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