Aim: To overcome the 7 feet in front of me
I have a lot on my mind, my heart, but I don't wish to drown this on anyone. Then I remembered, I have this page.
Firstly, Happy Birthday to me. 24. September 11 2012 -
Had breakfast with family, lunch with him and dinner with the girls. It was a day spent with the closest people and though no candles were blown, it doesn't matter. I wish everyday would be as simple and peaceful as today.
Things change. Heart changes, people move.
But Today I went into your profile, and the pain still lingers. Clearly I have not found closure. Clearly I still miss you. You shut me off totally, closing every channel possible. I'm a firm believer of if there's a will there's a way. Yet all this time I didn't want to force it on you, I know you are happy now.
I ended off today with a run closing to midnight.. only a short 3km run but 3 years with you ran through my mind.. I don't remember a day we were not together unless I was overseas. We had shared so much time together that it was impossible to just erase you off from my memory as I wish. I made a huge mistake asking you to go like this, I made the worst mistake by pretending I was okay. Now after so long, I know there's nothing I can do except that I really hope you would forgive me for the way I treated you. Since you are happy where you are now, I don't want to disturb that. I just want you to know I'm truly sorry for everything and I will leave you alone.
24. I don't want to dwell another year on something that happened at 22. I will use this year to work towards moving on. I left many things halfway, I left myself halfway.
Even a brave front has consequences.